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The compliance platform our governments and councils rely on.

Environmental compliance and GRC monitoring software for Australian regional governments and councils

In order to foster public trust and ensure long-term sustainability of local resources, Australian councils and governmental agencies must be astute with risk management, often across multiple regions, assets, landscapes and communities.

CS-VUE delivers a robust compliance management system that integrates with digital sensors and automated data feeds while also allowing staff to manually enter compliance data.

Our cloud-based software tracks historical and current approval conditions across the full scale of governmental operations and projects. We enable governmental bodies to create an effective programme of work in order to ensure excellent public service and environmental compliance.

CS-VUE can:

  • Ensure that high risk conditions are not missed by compliance officers.
  • Integrate data feeds to remove the need for manual data entry, saving time, money and resources.
  • Improve the efficiency of planning and compliance teams.
  • Provide a platform for approval holders to voluntarily upload compliance.
Complete, comprehensive integration.

Integrate all of your GRC metrics into one robust platform

The responsibilities of Australian councils and governmental bodies extend across a wide range of industries and resources, from transport infrastructure, management of parks and recreation areas, protection of native vegetation, waste management, maintenance and usage monitoring of water reservoirs, dams and other council assets, to motorway noise and land use zoning, among a myriad of other public services and projects that often involve multiple contractors.

With CS-VUE, governmental bodies can both manage their own held project approvals and, as an approval issuer, monitor the compliance of other approval holders.

Superior consent organisation, all in one easy to use platform.

Tens of thousands of consents? No problem.

It is easy for important land use approvals or resource management data to slip through the cracks if councils are relying on multiple monitoring programmes and spreadsheets; even the most diligent risk managers could lose key information or be unable to prove particular aspects of compliance to regulators and the public. CS-VUE allows you to analyse both the big picture and the minute details for effective compliance management, no matter how complex the organisation.

Compliance Management Features for Governments and Councils

Councils and governmental agencies are often in the positions of both approval issuer and approval holder. Here are some ways to use CS-VUE to streamline these complex compliance processes.

Built environment monitoring

Government-owned infrastructure and buildings come with a myriad of compliance obligations. CS-VUE coalesces both automated and manual data for physical assets and infrastructure on one user-friendly platform.

Environmental impact monitoring

Prove compliance by integrating digital sensors for emissions, wastewater discharge, effluent, traffic noise, fire and flood management and soil management.

Contractor management

Councils and governmental agencies often execute large-scale projects involving multiple contractors. CS-VUE has specific functionality for managing contractors, so all parties involved can record their compliance activities in the same format, enabling you to accurately monitor compliance across all facets of your organisation.

Information Systems monitoring

The CS-VUE platform goes far beyond environmental compliance. Many councils use our software to monitor IS and ICT compliance and data protection measures by integrating legislation and internal policy into CS-VUE and then generate compliance 'checklists' and customised alert systems.

What documents and plans can governmental compliance managers, site managers and council decision-makers monitor through CS-VUE?

View Documents

  • Approvals
  • Permits
  • Contracts
  • Management Plans
  • Operational Plans
  • Farm Plans
  • Access Agreements
  • Environmental Management Plans
  • Contractor Agreements
  • Archaeological Site Plans
  • Trade Waste
  • Nitrogen Plans
  • Land Environment Plans
  • Bird Monitoring Plans
  • Other internal and external policy documents


Explore the industry-specific applications of CS-VUE. Our sensor integration, data feed automation and extensive compliance monitoring capabilities can streamline the processes of almost any organisation.

Agriculture | Forestry
Marine | Aquaculture
Energy | Infrastructure
Construction | Engineering
Telco | ICT | Finance
Government | Regulatory
Transport | Logistics
Industrial | Extractives

Software to enhance your organisation’s environmental compliance and risk management